learn more about

Boot Camp

These weekend workshops are open to all individuals and couples. Through a combination of lecture, in-person role-play, small group exercises, and personal work, this live workshop will teach all participants how to:

• be connected and protected in relationships.
• identify the five losing strategies.
• practice the five winning strategies.
• analyze healthy listening and responding skills.
• identify where they get stuck the most with their current or past partner.
• learn new ways, going forward, without being stuck.


Relationship Boot Camp Weekend
as an individual or as a couple
click here for info.

Or choose one of our Add-On Packages:

Silver Package:
Relationship Boot Camp Weekend and four follow-up support sessions
click for info.

Gold Package:
Relationship Boot Camp Weekend and six follow-up support sessions
click for info.

Or, if you’ve already taken Boot Camp Weekend, but want more
Relationship Boot Camp Alumni Sessions:
Click for info.

Upcoming Relationship Boot Camps

With Jerry Sander, LCSW and Kristy Gaisford, LCSW
Sat Sept 28 & Sun Sept 29, 2024
9am-4:30pm both days
151 West 30th Street
3rd Floor
NY, NY 10001

With Jerry Sander, LCSW and Kristy Gaisford, LCSW
Sat Oct 26 & Sun Oct 27, 2024
9am-4:30pm both days
Smith College, Dewey Common Room
Northampton, Massachusetts 01063

With Jerry Sander, LCSW and Kristy Gaisford, LCSW
Sat Nov 9 & Sun Nov 10, 2024
9am-4:30pm both days
The Hotel Peery
110 W Broadway
Salt Lake City, Utah 84101

With Jerry Sander, LCSW
Sat, Feb 1 & Sun, Feb 2, 2025
9am-4:30pm both days
Sarah Lawrence College
Barbara Walters Campus Center
968 Kimball Avenue
Bronxville, NY 10708

Why go to
Boot Camp?

Have you been worrying about your relationship/marriage and seeing what seems to be a 3-way fork in the road in front of you?
You aren’t wrong.

1) Work Together

Work together to find the good, better, or best versions of your relationship.

2) Learn to Settle

Learn to settle for what you’ve got, even if it doesn’t make you happy.

3) Go your own way

Go your own way and end the relationship.


Payment via PayPal, Venmo or Check

Boot Camp


Boot Camp Weekend
for an individual
attending solo

Boot Camp
for Couples


Boot Camp Weekend
for couples
attending together

Couples Silver
Boot Camp
Weekend Package


Boot Camp Weekend
for a couple

Four (4) 90-minute follow up sessions
after Boot Camp via Zoom

Couples Gold
Boot Camp
Weekend Package


Boot Camp Weekend
for a couple

Six (6) 90-minute follow up sessions
after Boot Camp via Zoom

Boot Camp Alumni


50 minute session
Couples’ Consult
non-package rate

Boot Camp Alumni


50 minute session
non-package rate

Boot Camp Alumni


90 minute session
Couples’ Consult
non-package rate

Boot Camp Alumni


90 minute session
non-package rate



50 minute session
via ZOOM for a couple with
Jerry Sander, LCSW



50 minute session
via ZOOM for an individual with
Jerry Sander, LCSW